Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Lenzian Calendar System

Hard to believe how quick this month flew by, but I love it because we are inching closer to the inevitable spring. The quickness of this month got me thinking that maybe it was just that the month is 2 or 3 days shorter than the rest of month. That got me thinking, we need a Lenzian Calendar System (LCS) in which every month was only 28 days...

28 days a month times 12 months gets us 336 days in the year, leaving us two ways of going about the remaining 29 days:
  • Option One -- Forget the 29 days all together. Doing so would screw up the weather calendar and seasons since each year we would fall behind by a month. But who cares though its not like we can tell what the weather is going to be in a given month now a days anyways? Heck this week alone it will probably be 75 on Tuesday and the following Tuesday we will get 4 inches of snow. One benefit of this would be that those people who have birthday in winter months can now look forward to having a summer birthday for once! This same idea really screws up holidays like Forth of July and Christmas, which would people in a outrage when it snows at your Forth of July party or that your plastic baby Jesus in your lawn melts from the hot summer sun. Okay so option ones got some flaws so lets move on..

  • Option Two -- Add a 13th month of 29 days and every four years a month of 30 days to replace the leap year. Now if this going to happen we are gonna need to make a rule that when this month does happen everyone in the world is not allowed to work (well not everyone, food service /entertainment industry I am looking at you) and we need to have a global party. It would be great to because it could be the first holiday in the world that everyone would celebrate, since not everyone in the world stops for holidays like, Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years as the Western world tends to believe. Plus who wouldn't look forward to every four years when there is ginormous global party on the 29th and 30th!
I like option two for the Lenzi Calendar System, so let's expand on that...

Where do we place this extra month? Placing it at the end would be bad idea because New Years is already a holiday and if were going to make a new holiday we don't it to clash one that already exists. With that in mind we need to look for a time where there is a gap in the holiday schedule and I cant think of a better place to put this new month that in between July and August. Currently we have July 4th and then nothing til Labor day, time to break that up right? Placing it here would be beneficial too cause we can start giving people whole new thing for people to complain about since this idea wouldn't be ignorant of western society but of the northern hemisphere society.

So who wouldn't like the 13th month? While they would no longer have to worry about the 4-4-5 schedule, accounts would hate the idea of not having even quarters in the year. Solution make your quarters run off of the season changes. Cant really think of any one else who would be impacted so much, but I think business would like it because it would make comparing monthly easier. Same goes for you at home too with your utility bills and establishing a budget.

Under the Lenzian Calendar System holidays would be unaffected by the calendar shift, since there are no major holidays that fall after the 28th. If you are thinking Thanksgiving or Memorial Day you're forgetting that because they are flexible holidays, in which they occur on the final Thursday/Monday of the month their given month.

Now for the people who have birthdays on the 29th, 30th, 31st of the month, they can pick any day they want with in 5 days of their birth so that there is not a flood of birthdays on the 28th or 1st. Think about it, if the people born on a February 29th get over it and so can you.

As a person who loves consistency, I would enjoy the LCS because until the year change every day would have a designated day since the month would always start on the same day. Therefore those of us who get payed bi-month, like myself, would know with certainty what day you were getting paid. Plus it would be even 14 days each time. For example, next month is going to stink because I am going to get paid on the 13th because the 15th falls on the weekend, and then will have to wait a staggering 18 days until I get paid again.

So lets get some comments going. Whats your thoughts on the Lenzian Calendar System? What do you like or dont like? Where are there flaws or benefits that I am missing?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Beauty is in the Sky of the Beholder

Today I chose to share with you my favorite picture that I have ever captured. I took this picture on the walk to the subway to work one morning last year. I love the variety of colors in the sky and how all the colors just work in harmony together so naturally. The way the light reflects off the flowing river or even how a city of the size of New York City can be silhouetted against the power of the sun. There is so much going on that we take for granted every day that it just eclipses the city. Which is just the complete opposite of the truth since it doesn't take many hours here to come to the conclusion that the world revolves around NYC (WRONG!)

While all those are good reasons to love this picture it has much deeper meaning to me. Allow me to share...

Even though Hoboken is now where to be seen in the picture, every time I look at this shot it helps me recall the reasons that I enjoy living in Hoboken. A lot of people I work with in the city like to rag on Hoboken, mostly because it's in New Jersey and they believe its as terrible as the rest of the state. But that's far from the truth (except the corrupt government, they would tax the homeless if they could find a way). The only ones I tolerate are the people that actually live in Manhattan, but they don't get the pleasure of seeing the sunrise over the city, having an apartment that you don't feel like your living in a shoe box, or my favorite part the ability to escape! Brooklyn may be nice because they get to see the sunset on the city but I guarantee the majority of them are too busy still at work to take notice. And then the totally unacceptable is the people from Long Island, which is pretty much just New Jersey with GED.

The other pleasure I get from this picture is that I like to think that this is the sun rising or a new beginning to a new point in my life. I guess that means I'll have to retire in on the West Coast, so I can take a picture of the sun setting on my life. On second thought I'll just be dead or too busy watching Matlock to need that picture in my life.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

News to Me

Although I haven't lived in Greensburg, PA for more than a month, since May of 2006, I still get great pleasure from reading the Westmoreland County section of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review. I think I go to it more for entertainment then necessarily the news.

Here are a few classics in no particular order:

  • Hunker man gets probation for mailing cow head-- This story is just gold. For crying out loud this man was only trying to send his wife's new boyfriend a friendly gift. It almost make it acceptable or in the very least understandable that the man is from a town named Hunker.

  • Defendant says second-hand ring sparked assault -- "Slaby woke up in O'Toole's bed after a nap with his penis glued to his stomach, his testicles glued to his leg and his rectum glued shut." I mean you can't even make that stuff up. How deep does this guy sleep?

  • Reed cited by police for Sheetz tirade--This story happened a few weeks ago when Steelers kicker Jeff "Skippy" Reed ( soon to be on VH1's Celebrity Tool Academy) was arrested in a Sheetz for disorderly conduct. Hey, I guess we can at least be happy that he washes his hands after using the restroom?

Recently a friend of mine who also lives with me in Hoboken introduced me to my new favorite section, "Police & Courts" where you can find all of the judges decision for the week. It quite a fantastic way to get an update on what stupidity your old high school classmates have been sniffing, stealing, or beating.

Since reading this section, two things have really stood out to me. The first is how it blows me away how many DUIs there are in a week. Reading this makes me really glad I live in a city with a good public transportation system or a taxi serice. Don't get me wrong I am in no way justifying drinking and driving but what options are you giving your citizens ? It makes no sense that a town the size of Greensburg does not have a taxi service. Would this service not provide some much needed jobs to the area and you can even tax the riders to make extra income for the city?

The second thing is the sentencing of criminals for drug use or drug possession. For example, pleading "guilty to smell/inhale toxic releasing substances and possession of a solvent for release of toxic vapors/fumes" will land you 6 months to 2 years in jail for the first offense. I dont feel like sending them to jail or as they like to call them these days "correctional" facilities, helps them. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying they should be let go scott-free but why do we not sentence them to 6 months to 2 years in a rehabilitation facility and get them actual help? To me prisons should be for violent criminals such as murders and child-molesters, and to criminals who are harmful to society like drug dealers, child-sex offenders and white collar criminals. I understand the connection between drug use and how it can lead to other petty crimes, but so does someone who is addicted to alcohol. Are we not putting these users in a society with violent criminals who are professionals of crime instead of professionals of recovery, the supposed purpose of prison? Moral of the story, if your going to be addicted to something make sure its something that not "harmful to society" like alcohol, food or tobacco.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Your First Look Through a Lenz


Welcome to my blog, "Life Through a Lenz". Pun-tastic title I know.

I think I may know a few things you're already thinking:
  1. Oh my! What is Nick Lenzi doing writing publicly, does he know that he cant write? Listen people I know of my short falls on writing, but I'll try my best to get my grammar correct and to use the correct word. My hopes for this blog are not to display my writing, but just general thoughts on life and things I care to share with others. I write like I talk so if you know me, it will make it easier for you to read cause you'll get my tone. Maybe I should have done a podcas. While I do have a quality radio voice and even better radio face, seriously who wants to listen to me speak for an extended period of time when I can write a blog post that will take you 2 minutes to read. Which brings me to my next point...
  2. Great another blog of someone who has the illusion someone cares about their opinion! Wooohoo! That is probably the biggest reason I didnt start this sooner cause who am I? But I have been inspired by other blogs and books I have been reading and I feel as if I might have something to add too. I hope my posts can be a mixture of how Donald Miller talks about challenging issues with humor and honesty, the passion of Mondesis House, the reader contribution of This Is Why You're Fat, the ability to share an experience of SeriousEats, capturing the city like Andrew, the willingness to share whats currently on your heart/mind of ramblings, musing and ...insight, and the constantancy of outstreched fingertips. Which inevitably leads me to point number three...
  3. If I know Nick, this will last 2 weeks, but at least thats 14 days longer than his diets last. Hey I dont blame you for this one. When trying to come up with URL for this blog look at the ones that were already taken:
  • (1 post) -- Last post Thursday, March 27th, 2003--you're a disgrace to the family name what a waste.
  • (1 post) -- Last post Friday, November 15th, 2002-- on a positive note only one more post to go to exceed expection for a Lenzi blog!
  • (10 posts)-- Last post Monday, September 26th, 2006
  • (28 post) -- Last post Saturday, September 8th 2007
  • (4 posts) -- Last post Monday, January 24th, 2007--the thing makes me mad about the last 3 is that they're not even Lenzis so its not even punny they just think their photography is cooler with a "z" in stead of an "s".
Man that sure did give a lot of hope! I have no transition here, but I can continue to use three more dots...

I hope my posts can be a conversation starter. The last thing I want from this blog is for my opinion to be the end all be all. I'll be the first to confess that I am not always right and that my taste are strange. So please don't be afraid to leave a comment or share your opinion.

Hope to see you around!